Tropical Plant Research

Tropical Plant Research

An International Journal by Society for Tropical Plant Research

ISSN (E): 2349-1183 ISSN (P): 2349-9265
Journal is inviting manuscripts for its coming issue. Contact us for more details.
2016, VOLUME 3 ISSUE 1Pages: 102-104

Ipomoea triloba L. (Convolvulaceae): A New Angiosperm Record for the Flora of Bangladesh

Md Sharif Hossain Sourav
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Family Convulvulaceae consist of about 50 genera having 1500 species, mainly distributed in tropics and also in subtropical regions of the world. In Bangladesh, this family is represented by 15 genera and 55 species. The genus Ipomoea is represented by 24 species in Bangladesh (Ahmed et al. 2008). A twining climber with pinkish flowers was collected from Dhaka district of Bangladesh in the month of November 2015 which has been identified as Ipomoea triloba is described and illustrated for the first time from Bangladesh. In November 2015, this species was found in Dhaka which associated with Merremia hederacea (Burm.f.) Hallier f., Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt. & Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Hook. f. & Thom. Specimens of this plant were collected from this undisturbed natural habitat (latitude 23°46'18.75; longitude 90°24'45.27) for further study. After details examination of the specimens, carefully consulting relevant literature (Ordetx 1949, Holm et al. 1979, Wagner et al. 1999, Ahmed et al. 2008, Perera & Nilanthi 2015) and seeking expert opinion, the collected material was identified as Ipomoea triloba L., which forms a new record for angiospermic flora of Bangladesh. Hence, the species is hereby presented as a new angiosperm record for Bangladesh.
<b>A</b>, Ipomoea triloba, from its current habitat; <b>B</b>, Twining stems with leaves and unopened flowers; <b>C</b>, Bloomed flower; <b>D</b>, Fruit bearing twigs.

Fig.: A, Ipomoea triloba, from its current habitat; B, Twining stems with leaves and unopened flowers; C, Bloomed flower; D, Fruit bearing twigs.