Tropical Plant Research

Tropical Plant Research

An International Journal by Society for Tropical Plant Research

ISSN (E): 2349-1183 ISSN (P): 2349-9265
Journal is inviting manuscripts for its coming issue. Contact us for more details.
2020, VOLUME 7 ISSUE 2Pages: 285-295

Ethnobotanical study on the medicinal value of selected five species in Gullele Botanic Garden and its surroundings

Debela Daba* and Biniyam Asfaw
*Gullele Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 153/1029 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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This study was carried out to document the ethnobotanical information on the medicinal use of five plant species. This aimed on medicinal value, the mode of preparation, the indigenous knowledge of the local people, the route of preparation and the conservation method. Ethnobotanial data were collected using semi-structured interview and discussion with informants. A total of 60 informants as general informants were randomly selected from all kebeles representing 10 from each. Descriptive statistics, Ranking and Informant consensus were used to analyze the collected data. From five plants species belonging to 5 families 40% of them were shrubs, 40% species were trees and 20% were herb. Most of the plant species are wild, which is represented by three plant species (60%) and two plant species (40%) are both cultivated and wild. The prepared traditional drugs were administered through different routes such as oral, dermal, and ocular. Oral (45%) and dermal (36.7%) administrations were the dominant route which is in liquid, smashed, juiced and powdered forms. The highest Informant consensus factor (1) was connected to both sexual transmitted disease and emergency diseases. Some of the species obtained from the study area have multi purposes such as for fuel wood, construction, household’s tool, and shade. The major threats of the selected plant species are Agriculture expansion and charcoal wood collection hence most of these plants are said to be under threats. As regard to the knowledge of medicinal plants among the traditional healers and the people living around all the selected five plant species are used as remedies against a variety of complaints for both human’s disease and the species were exposed to risk a lot by the activity of human being.