Tropical Plant Research

Tropical Plant Research

An International Journal by Society for Tropical Plant Research

ISSN (E): 2349-1183 ISSN (P): 2349-9265
Journal is inviting manuscripts for its coming issue. Contact us for more details.
2015, VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1Pages: 23-29

Vegetative and reproductive anatomy of Vigna radiata L.

Amir Siahpoosh, Mahboobeh Ghasemi*, Ahmad Majd, Hamid Rajabi Memari and Taher Nejadsattari
Viewed: 4820  -  Downloaded: 2486
In this study, anatomical features of the stem, petiole, leaf and flower of Vigna radiata L. (ML2017 Genotype) belonging to Fabaceae family (Subfamily Papilionoideae) were examined. Basic structure of a dicotyledonous plant is showed in stem and petiole. Their transverse section consists of: epidermal and collenchyma layers, cortical layer (parenchyma cells and pericyclic fiber) and stele (vascular bundles, secretory cells and pith); however there are differences in shape and position of vascular bundles. In the stem, this bundles located on a continuous ring but in the petiole are cutting and divided into two large adaxial and three abaxial bundles forming main folaire trace, above which lie laterally a pair of secondary bundles. In the leaf is important the number of mesophyll palisadic and spongy layers, stomatal type (paracytic) and stomatal density (48.3%). The secretory cells are in the stem, petiole and leaf. The flower structure is pantamerous with 5 sepals, 5 petals (standard, wings and keel) androecium is of diadelphous and gynocium one carpel and ovary one locule with marginal placentation. In general anatomical charecteristics are very important and could be used in diagnostic key of taxa at all taxonomic levels.
Stem transverse section of Vigna radiata L., ML2017 genotype (objective X10, X40). [p: Pith, sec: Secretory cell, ep: Epidermis, pc: Cortex parenchyma, t: Trichome, f: Pericyclic fiber, bf: Buliform, co: Collenchyma, ca: Cambium, ph: Phloem, pxy: Protoxylem, mxy: Metaxylem]

Fig.: Stem transverse section of Vigna radiata L., ML2017 genotype (objective X10, X40). [p: Pith, sec: Secretory cell, ep: Epidermis, pc: Cortex parenchyma, t: Trichome, f: Pericyclic fiber, bf: Buliform, co: Collenchyma, ca: Cambium, ph: Phloem, pxy: Protoxylem, mxy: Metaxylem]