Tropical Plant Research

Tropical Plant Research

An International Journal by Society for Tropical Plant Research

ISSN (E): 2349-1183 ISSN (P): 2349-9265
Journal is inviting manuscripts for its coming issue. Contact us for more details.
2019, VOLUME 6 ISSUE 3Pages: 408-416

Comparative analysis of growth parameters of protected organic leafy vegetables

Bimal K. Chetri* and Dechen Wangdi
*Department of Environment and Life Sciences, Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan
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This study was focused to evaluate effect of organics on the growth parameters of three different green leafy vegetables (Indian spinach, Fenugreek and Amaranthus) under protected systems. Split-split plot design was employed to study the effects of the system (S), organic treatment (NM), crop types (C) and their interaction on the growth parameters. Net assimilation rate (NAR) and total dry weight (DW) were significantly higher (p≤0.05) in the polyhouse compared to shadenet for all three crops. System: treatment interaction was also significant at the level of p≤0.05. Crops treated with vermicompost performed significantly (p≤0.05) better in both the systems at all 3 growth stages. Crops maturity advanced by 10 days in the polyhouse compared to the shadenet. Comparatively all 3 crops performed better at the level of p≤0.05 in terms of their growth parameters in the polyhouse than in the shadenet.